Alchimie certified HAPPY AT WORK

In 2021, 88.3% of our employees say they would recommend Alchimie to someone they know to come and work here. (Anonymous survey Choose My Company, Happy at Work 2021)

Benevolence has been in Alchimie’s DNA since its creation, and attention is paid to the issue of well-being at work. In 2021, in a context of health crisis and repeated confinements, Alchimie was awarded the Happy at Work label with a score of 4.54/5, thus doing better than in 2020 (4.25/5).

Well-being at work encompasses several dimensions (source Choose my Company – Happy at Work 2021 survey):

Professional development: 78.8% favourable opinions on questions concerning their professional development “feeling that you are in the right place, being in tune with your position and responsibilities”.

Stimulating environment: 88.3% feel they benefit from a caring work environment, favouring the integration of everyone and a spirit of collaboration

Motivation and management: 86.1% favourable opinions on the theme of “developing the desire to achieve ambitious objectives

Salary and recognition: 68.4% feel valued in their contribution

Pride: 88.3% in favour of the theme “belonging to a group that is supported and recommended

Pleasure: 88.7%, with the highest score going to the category “taking pleasure both in one’s responsibilities and in the human relationships developed”.

Finally, 85.7% of our employees believe that well-being at work is a core concern for management.

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